Udaleku Group Photos
2023 Boise
2022 Bakersfield
2019 San Francisco Video
2018 Reno Final Performance Video
2017 Chino
2016 Salt Lake City - Photo Gallery | Performance Photo Gallery
2015 San Francisco
- Performance Video
2014 Elko - Slideshow | Performance
2013 Bakersfield
2012 Boise
2011 San Francisco, CA - Page | Blog | Final Performance 10-12 Year Olds
2010 Reno, NV | Performance Video | Powerpoint | Slideshow
2009 Chino, CA | Udaleku 2009 Page
2008 Buffalo, WY Final Performance Video
2007 San Francisco, CA
2006 Elko, Nevada Final Performance Video
2005 Bakersfield, California
2004 Boise, Idaho Final Performance Video
2003 San Francisco, California
2002 Reno, Nevada
2000: Hosted by the Buffalo Big Horn Basque Club (North) Final Performance Video
1999: Hosted by the S.F. Basque Cultural Center (West)
1998: Hosted by the Elko Basque Club (Central)
1997: Hosted by the Kern County Basque Club (South)
1996: Hosted by the Boise Basque Club (North)
PLEASE SEND PHOTO 1995: Hosted by San Francisco area clubs (West)
1994: Hosted by the Reno Basque Club (Central) Final Performance Video
1993: Hosted by the Chino & Southern California Clubs (South)
1992: Hosted by the Boise Euzkaldunak Inc. (North)
1991: Hosted by San Francisco area clubs (West)
1990: Hosted by the Elko Basque Club (Central)
1989: Please send a digital copy if you have it
1988:Hosted By Boise Euzkaldunak
1987: Please send a digital copy if you have it
1986: Please send a digital copy if you have it
1985: Hosted by the Oinkari & Euzkaldunak (North)
1984: Please send a digital copy if you have it
1983: Please send a digital copy if you have it
1982: Hosted by the Chino Basque Club
1981: Hosted by Boise Euzkaldunak
1980: Please send a digital copy if you have it
1979: San Francisco, California
1978: Elko, Nevada
1977: Hosted by the San Francisco Basque Club