NABO Regions and Cultural Tours
The geographical distribution of our membership has been primarily utilized to rotate Udaleku, but is now being used to also help coordinate cultural tours as well in an effort to keep our resources for "Basqueness" circulating.
2017 |
2018 |
2019 |
2020 |
South | Central | West | North | Eastern |
So. Cal area* Bakersfield Chino So.Cal. Club LA Oberena Ventura County Las Vegas New Mexico |
Reno area* Reno club Gardnerville Ctr. Basque Stu Susanville, CA Rocklin, CA Elko area* Elko Club Battle Mountain Winnemucca* Winnemucca Santa Rosa Denver |
Fresno area* Fresno club Los Banos San Fran. area* Marin-Sonoma Anaitasuna Basque Club Basque Cult. Ctr. Basque Ed. Org. Seattle area* Seattle club Vancouver, Can. |
Boise area* Basque Center Oinkari Dancers Basque Museum Gooding Ontario Mountain Home Homedale Cenarrusa Salt Lake Buffalo Rock Springs |
Washington D.C. New York area* NY Eusko Etxea Montreal, Can. Miami Rhode Island |
*Areas are based around the largest city and a two-hour/one-way driving radius for the purposes of arranging cultural tours.