
Club Mus Tournaments

Calendar | Winners | Self-Calculating Score Table (xlsx download) | Guidelines for Hosts

mus cardsMost NABO member clubs have their own annual Mus tournament that serve as the qualifier for the N.A.B.O. Mus Finals.If your club's tournament date is missing or incorrect, please contact

Each NABO member organization organizes its own NABO qualifying mus tournament.  You would have to contact each club directly to find out what they have planned and how they do things. All clubs should email the names of their tournament winners to:

Club Tournaments



Each NABO member can send a team from its own qualifying tournament to the annual rotating tournament. For the qualifying tournament, NABO Club members pay $15.00 for each person that participated in their tournament; e.g., if your club has twenty players (10 teams) who participate, then your club pays NABO $200.00. A club who has more than 20 teams (21 teams and up) send two teams to the NABO final.There is a minimum of $100.00 fee to be paid to NABO.



WWII Veterans Memorial




Foku Musikala


Ateak ireki


NABO Euskara

