
Cultural Tours

The Basque Government provides some support for arranging entertainer tours. NABO coordinates about one a year, but Basque clubs are encouraged to develop their own tours.

Independent Tours


NABO Coordinated Tours

Independent tours (so not limited to what NABO arranges). If an organization can get others to join in the endeavor, it improves the likelihood of it being supported.

Euskalkultura article about Cultural Tours


NABO coordinated tours. One group is moved around to as many of our regions as possible. Generally only one tour a year is arranged.

GOAL. The Basque Government has created a special fund to send over Basque performers for a broad tour of our Basque communities. The objectives are threefold: to 1) help animate our Basque community with something out-of-the-ordinary; 2) reveal some of the new Basque artists and their works; and 3) get our area clubs/organizations working together on some joint events.

REQUIRED. Several Basque clubs need to work together to coordinate this. The performers are not paid a performance fee—they come over with the understanding that their travel is covered. While the Basque Government provides funds for travel, each host community is responsible for arranging a performance and negotiating lodging and food for the performers while they are there. Then after a few days, they move on to the next Basque community.

APPLICATION. (Will be posted when available)

Nominating individual/groups: A hard copy (no email or fax) application in Spanish or Basque must be received by TBA at:

Giras Culturales
Presidencia del Gobierno Vasco-Lehendakaritza
Secretaría General de Acción Exterior
Calle Navarra, número 2,
01007 Vitoria-Gasteiz
Euskadi SPAIN

Previous Tours

In September 2013 Mountain Home, Ontario, Boise, Reno, San Francisco and New York enjoyed concerts by Kalakan.

Kalakan on Facebook | Kalakan Web site

2012 Noka

2011 Urko Menaia
Urko Menaia

Basque txalaparta duo Iñaki Plaza & Ion Garmendia
Garmendia & Plaza

Juan Mari Beltran
Juan Mari Beltran


Mikel Urdangarin

Berri Txarrak & Betagarri
Berri Txarrak


Kepa Junkera
Kepa Junkera





WWII Veterans Memorial




Foku Musikala


Ateak ireki


NABO Euskara

