Revised 5/09
For more information contact Valerie Arrechea at etcharren@msn.com
Cell phones should be turned off during Udaleku hours. Phone calls and text messaging are not allowed during camp hours. Messages may be checked and calls returned during your lunch hour, or when the children have left for the day.
Personal items such as iPods, MP3 players or video games may not be used during camp hours.
Please dress appropriately to set an example for students. The staff should dress so he/she can participate and teach activities at Udaleku.
Never be alone in a restroom with another child, this is for your protection!
When on a field trip using a public restroom, check the bathrooms before letting Udaleku participants in. Stand in the bathroom (not in the stall) to make sure our little "Bascos" are safe.
Please do not drive with an Udaleku participant in your vehicle without the permission of the Director of Udaleku. If the director does ask you to drive students, please take only as many as you have working seatbelts for.
For your protection, it is strongly recommended that you refrain from touching children. Holding hands while walking or playing games, or patting heads or shoulders is generally acceptable. However, do not place them on your lap, or hold them in any way that might be misconstrued.
Please remember that these children are between 10 and 15 years old. There can be no romantic or physical relationship between you and any camper. Doing so is grounds for immediate dismissal without pay.
There can be no socializing with campers during after-camp hours. Your role does not end at the end of the work day, it ends after the final performance and once the children have gone home.
If you are romantically involved with another instructor, please do not show this in any way to the children. They should not be aware of this, unless there is a married couple working as instructors. No public displays of affection, please.
There should be no drinking of alcohol, smoking, or using illegal substances at Udaleku. An exception can be made for a drink with dinner for someone over 21, but only in moderation.
No teacher should provide any camper with alcohol, cigarettes, or any illegal substance. Doing so is grounds for immediate dismissal without pay.
You should always be actively looking for something to do. Please don't wait until someone senior to you tells you to go do something.
Talk to the child in a calm, yet firm manner.
Listen to both sides of a story.
Do not reprimand a child in front of a parent or the group.
If the situation is more than what you feel comfortable assisting with, quickly have someone get a senior teacher or the camp director.
Remove the child from the situation. Talk to the child individually as soon as you have time.
Be consistent in enforcing Udaleku rules in a positive, impersonal manner.
Attempt to foresee and forestall trouble. Redirect an uncooperative child to another activity. Keep a watchful eye.
Help children understand one another's actions.
Discourage improper language. Say, "We do not talk like that at Udaleku."
Never talk to the child when you are angry. Calm down first.
Do not allow any bullying or name calling. Stop this immediately, let the child know such behavior will not be tolerated at Udaleku. This will rarely be done in front of an instructor, so you need to be on the look out for changes in behavior, what other children are saying, and children who suddenly don't want to be with the group they have been assigned. It is always good to remind campers that the Basque Community is small, and they will probably be socializing with fellow campers for many years, regardless of where they live.
A "positive atmosphere" at Udaleku is our goal!
Take the child out of the group and talk to him. Find out what the problem is. Sometimes talking to a child on an eye to eye level is all that is necessary to take care of the situation.
Remove the child from a group for a short period of time. Sometimes it is necessary to rearrange groups based on a negative group dynamic.
Send the child to the Director of Udaleku for further discipline, if it is necessary.
No physical punishment is allowed. This includes (but is not limited to): pushups, laps, throwing objects, physical restraints.
Broken Record Method: If you ask a child to do something and they begin arguing with you or talking back, simply repeat your command in a calm voice. For example if you ask them to get in line and they keep telling you no, simply keep repeating "get in line please," over and over until they finally give in.
Don't let children go "shopping!" If children don't get the answer they want, they will try and shop around until they get the answer THEY want. Don't let this happen! Make sure you are all on the same page and enforcing the same rules, otherwise when the child gets in trouble they will say, "Well Mr. Etcheverry said it was okay" and you'll get the blame.
Be consistent! If you tell a child something follow through! If you don't, they know they won't have a consequence, and won't take you seriously.
Never talk bad about other children or instructors with the children this puts you at their level and they will repeat it.
You are not here to compete for the spot of favorite teacher. Do not be more lax than any other teacher. Teachers must all be on the same page.
Children that act up want attention. Give them attention but make sure it's positive. The child that drives you nuts is the child you might want to eat lunch with or start a conversation with during down time, ask them about their life, you'll be surprised how their behavior will improve. If you are only disciplining them, they will think you are against them, show positive interest in them and their behavior will improve.
Make sure you are CONFIDENT and don't be afraid to let them know YOU are in charge!