
Hezkuntza: Basque Educational Resources

Following our operative motto: Celebrate + Educate = Perpetuate, the future of the Basque-American world will largely be decided by what is effectively communicated about the Basques. That is why educational resources are crucial.

John Ysursa Education Chairperson:
John M. Ysursa, Ph.D.



Gurea Cultural Literacy Program

For Basque culture to endure we'll need to find a viable balance between the fun of being Basque (e.g., festivals) and knowing something more about what being Basque is about. That is why N.A.B.O. is following the motto Celebrate + Educate = Perpetuate.

N.A.B.O. has developed the GUREA Cultural Literacy program. Gurea is Basque for "it's ours." This program aims to develop and implement some effective methods to sustain "Basqueness:" Basque culture and identity--something that all of our Basque organizations have a shared interest in developing. It's two major components, in conjunction with the Basque Government, are the Educational Workshops and Entertainment Tours.

NABO Member Organizations primarily dedicated to education:

Basque Educational Organization

Basque Museum and cultural Center

Center for Basque Studies

Basque Studies at Boise State University

Related Links:

Basque Studies at the university level

Center for Basque Studies Press

Basque Youth Offerings

Frequently asked questions about Basques

Etxepare Basque Institute

Basque Government Publications

The Basque Country: Insights into its culture, history, society and Institutions (PDF)

Etxepare Institute Basque Culture Series Online Publications:

EuskaraA Brief History of the Basque Language (PDF)

Basque Literature in the 20th Century (PDF)

Basque Classical Music (PDF)

Basque Songwriting: Pop, Rock, Folk (PDF)

A Collection of Prints (Visual Arts) (PDF)

Basque Cinema (PDF)

Basque Dance (PDF)

Bertsolaritza (PDF)

Traditions (PDF)

On Basque Cuisine (PDF)

Other Links

Online articles

Urazandi Project



WWII Veterans Memorial




Foku Musikala


Ateak ireki


NABO Euskara

