
Bertsolaritzari Arnasa Berritu Amerikan

BertsolariGive New Breath to Bertsolaritza in America

At the August 2022 NABO Convention delegates approved the implementation of the “Bertsolaritzari Arnasa Berritu Amerikan” (give new breath to Bertsolaritza in America) initiative to preserve, promote and perpetuate our Basque oral tradition in North America.

Directed by Martin Goicoechea, the initiative will consist of a recurringl international bertso event gathering local and Basque Country performers, periodic local events organized ad-hoc or as part of the Basque picnics and festivals, and a Bertso school.


Arnas Berri Bertso Eskola

The Bertso school, Arnas Berri Bertso Eskola, opened its doors in September 2022. The school is open to all Basques in North America, the only requirement being to have a good knowledge of Euskara in order to be able to play with the language. If you would like to join the bertso school please send an email to

For general information on bertsolaritza, visit Bertsolaritza

To make a tax-deductible donation to support this program, please click here.


WWII Veterans Memorial




Foku Musikala


Ateak ireki


NABO Euskara

