
Basque Bone Marrow Registry

Help Another -- Help Ourselves

NABO supports the effort to to get more Basques enrolled in the National Bone Marrow Registry. It is quick and easy--only a swab of the inner cheek. It can help our Basque community if in the future there is someone who is in need.

National Marrow Donor Program Be The Match

SebbyThe Basque version of the Bone Marrow drive was instigated in 2008 with the initial hope of trying to save Sebastian Moustirats (image left), a little Basque boy from San Francisco who was in desperate need of a bone marrow donor.

Unfortunately "Sebby" did not make it. The aim is to keep going with this, however, to hopefully minimize this outcome in the future.

We are trying to get more Basques to join the National Bone Marrow Registry. It is quick and easy -- only a swab of the inner cheek. It can help our Basque community if in the future there is someone who is in need.



WWII Veterans Memorial




Foku Musikala


Ateak ireki


NABO Euskara

