Membership Dues
Like most organizations, NABO charges membership fees as well as several others charges for what each club chooses to purchase from NABO (mus, pilota, udaleku, calendars,etc).
You may pay your club's various dues with a single check, but we ask that you please provide an itemized schedule to support your check so we can ensure the receipts are categorized to the correct revenue account. Please send payments directly to our NABO Treasurer:
Marie Petracek
11971 S. Allerton Circle
Parker, CO 80138
Current list of fees:
- General membership: $100 per club, plus $1.00 per member
- Mus dues: $10 per person participating in the tournament, minimum of $100
- Pilota dues: $200.00
- Udaleku donation: $50 miminum, no maximum (voluntary, but it goes a long way)
- Calendar prices: $5 per calendar, plus any shipping to your club.