Udaleku: NABO's Basque Culture Summer Camp
Every year NABO sponsors, and a Basque club hosts, Udaleku--our two-week Basque Culture Summer Camp. Participants ages 10-15 have an opportunity to learn more about their Basque heritage while having fun and making new friends.
2025 Udaleku
Where: Elko
When: June 22 - July 4, 2025
Theme: Bizkaia
Cost: $515.00
Ages: All participants must be 10 years old on or before September 1, 2025, and maximum age is 15 years old.
Udaleku Co-directors:
Valerie Arrechea (left)
Udaleku Co-Director
Kate Camino,
Udaleku Co-Director
Formerly known as Music Camp, Udaleku came into being in April 1974 when various Basque clubs joined together to create the North American Basque Organizations, Inc. (NABO) with the purpose of promoting and encouraging our common Basque heritage. Since those early days the bonds between Basques here in the United States have been strengthened and extended. The annual Udaleku sponsored by NABO, and hosted by one of our member organization, has contributed much to this growth.
The first camp was held in Boise, Idaho (Bogus Basin) in 1975. Since then, hundreds of young Basques have gathered for two weeks each summer in a different city of the extended Basque community in the United States. Under the direction of local and visiting talent from Europe, participants study Basque folk dance, music (either txistu or accordion), singing, culture, and games (such as the card game "mus" and "pala").
Besides being a good learning experience, the camp offers the participants a great opportunity to develop ties and friendships with other young Basques from many states whose parents and ancestors came from both the northern and southern parts of "Euskal Herria" or the Basque country. The relationships formed over the two-week period increases the present and future interaction between all of our Basque clubs. Udaleku is a unique experience for both the participants--who meet other Basques from other communities--and for the opportunity to teach younger generations of Basque-Americans about their culture. The camp is meant to impart to young Basque-Americans an appreciation for the uniqueness of their heritage.
If you would like to make a donation to the Udaleku program, you may do so below. Donations are fully tax deductible, but are not credited toward tuition.