
Andrés Irujo Award

The "Andrés de Irujo" Award was created by the Basque Government in 1999.

The award lies in the publication of creative or investigative works relating to Basque presence overseas or the personal experiences of overseas Basque communities or individuals during the 20th century.

The award will be conferred on an annual basis, and the call for applications announced in a General Secretary of the Presidency Directive.

These are the requisites to participate:

These works have been awarded up to now:

1999, "Laurak Bat de Montevideo 1876-1898, primera euskal etxea del mundo", by Alberto Irigoyen

2000, The prize was not awarded

2001, "Centro Vasco Gure Etxea de Tandil: ¿la punta de un gran iceberg?", by Marcelino Iriani

2002, "Vascos en Barcelona: Etnicidad y migración vasca hacia Cataluña en el siglo XX, by Xavier Medina

2003, "Santiago Ibarra: Historia de un inmigrante vasco", by Ángeles de Dios Altuna de Martina

2004, "Organisation et aspects de l' émigration des Basques de France en Amérique, 1832-1976", by Claude Mehats

2005, "Arrojos, dichas y nostalgias. Vascos en el Valparaíso del siglo XX", by Rubila Andrea Araya Ariztía.

Submissions should include a C.V. (resume) of the applicant and a cover letter than summarizes the work. A hard copy (no email or fax) application in Spanish or Basque must be received by TBA at:

Andres de Irujo Saria
Presidencia del Gobierno Vasco-Lehendakaritza
Secretaría General de Acción Exterior
Calle Navarra, número 2, 01007 Vitoria-Gasteiz

For more information, visit the BG official announcement at:


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