
Joining NABO

NABO is a federation of Basque organizations--thus we do not have individual people as members but clubs, educational organizations, etc. It is always gratifying to see new members joining up with our NABO federation, because it shows that new communities are forming institutions to gather Basques & their friends together. Furthermore, it also shows that there is an ongoing willingness on the part of Basque organizations to work together to promote Basque culture. We'd like to have your group with us!

Cost / Benefit analysis
As a federation, N.A.B.O. incurs annual expenses. A portion of this cost is covered by membership dues. They are:
__Payment of annual dues that are $100 per organization, and $1 per individual member
__Those wanting to participate in Pelota events, it is an additional annual $100
__What you get in return varies depending on your organizations emphasis, but in general you gain access to N.A.B.O. youth & educational, mus, pilota, dance, music, cultural programs. To find out more about what is offered, click Member Services.

To join N.A.B.O.

NABO is a federation of Basque organizations that aims to preserve and promote Basque culture (thus our federation does not accept individual people as a member). For your organization to become a member of NABO it requires:

Part I. Specific to NABO
__Letter of introduction: your organization's aims to promote Basque culture
__Submitting the completed general information form Requested NABO member data
__Evidence of being an officially recognized non-profit organization
__Your organization’s bylaws
__Preferred that someone from your club/organization be present at the meeting when you present your request.
Mail or email this material to our NABO President

Part II. Specific to the Basque Government
__Must register with the Basque Autonomous Government of Euskadi (Consists of filling out the your club name, mailing address, board of directors). For this portion you should contact the Basque Government directly for the latest requirements at:

Requested NABO Member Data

A1: Member organization data
NABO Member Organization:
Year founded:

HEADQUARTERS (those with a clubhouse):
Headquarter's ownership: Member(s) ownership
Frequency of use: daily? more than 4 hours? Weekends?
Construction year: ____
Last year of renovation: ____
Total square meters &/or feet: ____
Number of floors: ____
Headquarter's status: does/doesn't need renovation?
Handicap accessibility: ____
Areas for members only?
Public bar? Capacity?
Bar ownership: Membership?
Public restaurant? Capacity?
Restaurant ownership?
Other areas for renting?

Management? Week hours per person average?
Paid instructors: Sports? Dance? Euskara? Etc.

Game room? Fronton? Swimming pool?
Audiovisual facilities: assembly hall?

Total computers?
Internet type?
Newsletter? Editor contact:
Web address:
Webmaster email:

Capacity? users per week?
Number of suscriptions to newspapers? magazines?
Number of books?
Number of audio-visual media?

Youth participation numbers: Below 10; 10-15; 15-20
Dance: #Kids? #Teens? #Adults?
Choir: #Kids? #Teens? #Adults?
Euskara: #students
Txistu: is there a group? number of players?
Mus: is there a jr. tournament? number of participants?
Sports: #students
Others: #students

With local media outlets?
Educational centers/colleges?
Non-Governmental Organizations?

What is your club/organization's greatest strength?
What is your club/organization's greatest weakness?
What is your club/organization's greatest opportunity?
What is your club/organization's greatest threat?

What do you consider to be your best fundraising event?
What do you consider to be your premier annual event?

How could you assist other Basque communities?
How can NABO be of best assistance to you?

A2: Individual member survey
NOTE: This entails someone going through your membership list and creating a list with the following information that can then be emailed to The requested information is very general and NO MEMBER will be directly contacted by NABO or any other organization.

Name: (they will not be directly contacted by NABO nor any other organization)?
Approximate birth-date (preferably the birth-year, but at least within a decade to then calculate age groups)?
Male or Female?



WWII Veterans Memorial




Foku Musikala


Ateak ireki


NABO Euskara

