

GatemunduGaztemundu is a Basque Government program for the youth of Basque clubs from around the world since 1996. This offers an opportunity to travel to the Basque country and partake in a two week program. The flights and room and board are paid for by the Basque Government - it's an amazing opportunity.

Gaztemundu 2024

The 2024 edition of Gaztemundu, the Basque Government’s program for individuals between the ages of 18-35, wrapped up on December 15th. Fifteen participants, 13 from Argentina, 1 from Uruguay, and our own Amaya Herrera representing the Oinkaris, participated in the two-week program, December 1-15th whose theme was dance. Besides working on traditional dances with various instructors, participants also had the opportunity to visit various areas of the Basque Country, all while forging friendships. They participated in various events as well, including a performance in Donostia as part of the Euskararen Nazioarteko Eguna festivities on the Boulevard, and a visit to the Durangoko Azoka (Durango book fair). They were also received by Lehendakari Imanol Pradales. This photo was taken at their last rehearsal where they were joined by Ander Caballero, Secretary General of Foreign Action and Global Euskadi, Gorka Alvarez, Director of the Basque Community Abroad, and Manu Meaurio, technician from the same unit among others.

GAztemundu 2024

For further information, please visit:



WWII Veterans Memorial




Foku Musikala


Ateak ireki


NABO Euskara

