
Euskara Classes

Ongi etorri - Welcome to NABO Euskara
Euskaldunak - Those who have, therefore speak Euskara

NABO Euskara Mission Statement:

To Share, Spread, and Sustain Euskara in North America for all.

North American Basque Organizations is proud to offer Euskara language classes both in person through our various Euskal Etxeak and online. Our classes are open to all: Basque club members, non-affiliated Basques, and the general public as well! The goal is to share, spread, and sustain our language so take your first step toward learning Euskara today.

EtxepareOur program is supported and subsidized by the Etxepare Basque Institute. Our curriculum is centered around Etxepare’s Euskara Munduan program. As laid out by Etxepare on their website:

“One of the missions of the Etxepare Basque Institute is to promote knowledge of the Basque language among Basque communities abroad. Euskara Munduan (Euskara in the world) was set up for this purpose. Today more than 70 Basque centers around the world offer Euskara classes in collaboration with the Institute.”

We offer three 12-week sessions throughout the year:
Spring (January – April)
Summer (May – July)
Fall (September – November)

Classes are held weekly, with each session lasting 2 hours. Students are expected to spend an additional hour (minimum) per week on homework and/or self-study.

Our instructors are at the heart of our program. As native or proficient speakers, they strive to make Euskara accessible to all, introducing students to our culture from a linguistic perspective. Yearly training sessions, organized by Etxepare, help to keep our instructors up-to-date with the latest materials and resources.

The course registration price is $175 per semester. Euskal Etxea members can receive a $50 discount on classes, bringing the price to $125. We are proud to offer a limited number of scholarships to cover course registration. Course fees help cover the cost of instructor salaries, but our goal is to spread Euskara to all those interested. We strive to help those with any financial barriers to study. Please send an email to for more information on scholarships.

Please contact Edurne Arostegui, NABO Euskara Coordinator, for more information:


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NABO Euskara

