2020 Featured Films
NABO has a Basque film library where you can borrow films for events at your club or for viewing at home. The DVD's come with English subtitles and will play on U.S. DVD / Blu-ray players. If you are interested please send an email to Filmategi@nabasque.eus with the film you are interested in. The following films are featured in the 2019 NABO calendar.
January - 80 Egunean
February - Dantza
March - Lasa & Zabala
April - Igelak
May - Las Brujas de Zugarramurdi
June - Xalbador: Izana eta Izena
July - Esvastica sobre el Bidassoa
August - Señales de Vida
September - Apaizac Obeto
October - El Lobo
>November - Black is Beltza
December - Oreina